"Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for." Elder Neal L. Anderson

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Light Tradition

Some of my days get so "busy" {whatever that means} that I forget to take time out for the kids. Everyday I think to myself, "oh, when this is done, things will settle down." It never does. Yesterday morning my daughter was looking for the keys to the car so she could get her coat out to take to school.  We searched everywhere and luckily, instead of her coat being in the car, it was in her room.  Later, Mr. {that's what we're calling my honey from now on} called and told me that the keys were in his pocket. Yesterday was Mr.'s work Christmas party and between trying to get me ready for that and the kids in my mother in laws car I'm not sure I even hugged my kids when they came in from school.  I did however give them all kisses when I dropped them off at my Mom's house while Mr. and I went to the party.
I don't know if anyone else gets feeling this way, but when ever I spend a few hours away from my kids, I miss them terribly, and can't wait to get back to them.  When I picked them up, I told them we were going to get Dad and go look at the Christmas lights through town.  This is one of our family's favorite traditions, and one of my favorite things about Christmas. The kids really look forward to it every year.  By the time we got home it was almost 10 o'clock.  Way to late for little ones to be awake, but the time spent together listening to them ooh and aaw over the lights makes it all worth it. I need to remember this, even when life it busy, I still have time to let my loved ones know I love and appreciate them.

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